This means you'll be battling a much larger variety of Pokémon than you'll see previously. Trainers have received new rosters to tie in with the greater variety of Pokémon available (explained by a 'migration wave' to the regions).There are some minor changes in Wild encounters between Sacred Gold and Storm Silver, but all 493 are available in both. Almost all Pokémon are available prior to the first round of the Elite Four! In addition, you also receive the National Dex the moment you get the Pokédex, making it that much easier to track what you have and haven't caught. Legendaries are somewhat restricted, but otherwise you can build your team with pretty much anything you want. all Pokémon available in the fourth generation) can be obtained somehow within the game. the maps, the storyline, the general order of main events) the two hacks still manage to bring a new series of features to the table to spice up the gameplay experience, including:

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